GeoLink Modular Ontology (GMO) Documentation (pdf)

All components of GMO marked as module below contain alignment axioms between classes and properties from the corresponding imported patterns, modules, and ontologies.

Several GMO components import two external ontologies: W3C's OWL-Time ontology (see OWL-Time specs) and OGC's GeoSPARQL ontology (see GeoSPARQL specs).

Pattern & ModuleURIFormatNote
Agent & Agent Role [ html, rdf ] Imports OWL Time.
Cruise [ html, rdf ] Imports Place, Information Object, Agent Role, Event, Program, Funding Award, Vessel, and Trajectory patterns.
Event [ html, rdf ] Imports Agent Role pattern, Place pattern, and OWL Time.
Funding Award [ html, rdf ] Imports Agent Role pattern, Information Object pattern, and OWL Time.
Identifier [ html, rdf ]
Information Object [ html, rdf ] Imports Identifier pattern.
Organization [ html, rdf ] Imports Agent Role, Place, and Information Object patterns.
Person & Personal Info Item [ html, rdf ] Imports Person Name pattern, Agent Role pattern, and OWL Time.
Person Name [ html, rdf ] Imports Personal Info Item pattern.
Physical Sample [ html, rdf ]
Place [ html, rdf] Imports Information Object pattern and GeoSPARQL.
Platform (stub) [ html, rdf ] Imports Information Object pattern.
Program [ html, rdf ] Imports Agent Role pattern, Information Object pattern, and OWL Time.
Property Value [ html, rdf ]
Trajectory [ html, rdf] Imports OWL Time and GeoSPARQL.
Vessel [ html, rdf ] Imports Agent Role, Platform, Property Value, and Information Object patterns.